Worn almost everywhere promotional lanyards are about security, convenience and identity. Used either at conferences, events or as part of the everyday work uniform, lanyards come in a extensive range of styles, colours, materials and with a wide choice of clips and attachments. For company ID and security cards nothing beats them, making sure your ID is visible and comes easily to hand.
The traditional lanyard has become a corporate staple, as much a badge of recognition and authority as practical utility. Depending on the use and budget you can choose from cheap styles with a simple screen printed finish through to custom designs which have stitched satin backing and woven branding. If your company is a manufacturer or the staff operate heavy machinery, quick release safety clips which come apart if they become tangled or hung-up are a life-saving feature to consider.
Our lanyard manufacturer direct range covers all styles and prices. Whether you're planning to order for your own company lanyards or give them away there are few better ways to provide practical and highly visible branded corporate wear with the same impact and genuine value. A lanyard carry whatever you need closest to hand - from keys to mobile phones or security ID.
What are Lanyards made from?
Like most consumer items available these days promotional lanyards are available in a mix of synthetic materials, natural fibres and exotic materials such as leather or even stainless steel. Generally woven polyester is the most cost effective material available and is used in the majority of lanyard applications. Combining durability and simplicity of overprinting with a smooth feel and high level of washability, for the great majority of users polyester is the ideal lanyard substrate. When you're looking to standout or offer something unusual one of the more exotic materials like bamboo fibre or recycled PET is a worthwhile consideration. The uniformity of commercial use of nylon and polyester lanyard styles offers up the opportunity to take advantage of the obvious difference of one of the less popular materials.
How do you apply branding to lanyards?
There are three common lanyard branding techniques which are cost effective and suitable for general usage. The most common branding application is a repeat step screen-printing where the logo is applied in up to three colours by means of specialised strip-printing machinery. If step printing is not your preferred option it is possible on some styles to apply a metallic badge above the clip attachment which offers a more stylish and stand-out logo option which again is worth considering if you are looking to provide an item which will find preference above other material options on hand.
What promotional advantages do lanyards offer?
As promotional lanyards are an item with high utility and visibility the opportunities to leverage sales from their distribution is strong. Added to the fact lanyards are cheap relative to many other branded items and you have the potential to get your brand noticed widely at a low average price. As a lanyard is traditionally worn around the neck it is guaranteed to provide branding exposure and may often spend much of the day in place without the wearer realising their mobile billboard status.
For conference organisers a lanyard is a badge of membership and identity for attendees. Like a security wristband at a concert, people wearing the right coloured lanyard will be obvious to security and will act as a badge of membership to all, encouraging communication and interaction.
How much do lanyards cost?
Lanyards, like many other promotional ideas are available at wide range of price points. While a simple neck lanyard can cost less than a dollar more glamorous and woven models can cost upwards of ten times that amount. Because lanyards store indefinitely and can be used at any number of events they are a versatile marketing option who recover their cost quickly.
Which industries can benefit from using lanyards?
Examples of industries which traditionally utilise lanyards include IT companies, education facilities, security and engineering companies where the hands-free needs of employees are provided by custom lanyards which can hold communication equipment, keys and even tools under some circumstances.
Custom lanyards manufacture
An option which many people choose is to have a company specific lanyard manufactured from scratch rather than overprint and off-the-shelf model. The advantage in having a genuinely unique design are many, particularly when the lanyards are used as items which are handed out to clients and contacts. The exclusivity of the product is a means of attracting attention and binding business contacts more closely to your offerings.
History of lanyards
The word "lanyard" itself is derived from the French word "laniere" a strap or thong which was used to secure pistols, sabres and some times a knife or dagger to military uniforms facilitating freedom of movement. The effectiveness of the "laniere" in preserving the integrity of weapons while keeping them close at hand led to the idea being popularised around the world to the point it is now a standard issue item as part of many military attires.
Three ways to use promotional lanyards
Security: Companies these days are more security conscious than ever. Not only does a lanyard hold company ID, keys and passes its colour and form can also act as a sign of authority and membership which can be observed from a distance.
Conferences: At a conference attendees are handed endless documents and proposals for which they often need both hands. A stand-out promotional lanyard coupled with a well designed ID is a sure way for people in attendance to get to know their fellows and for event security to be aware of the comings and goings of people without regularly demanding proof of identity or other credentials.
Entertainment Industry: if you've been to a concert recently you may have noticed those lucky enough to have VIP passes traditionally wear them around their neck on a lanyard. This is both for simplicity of observation at security check points but is also a clear message to those who are sitting in the cheap seats that the lanyard bearer enjoys a higher level of prestige than the greater mass of fans.
A lanyard case study
A local youth group ordered colourful lanyards with an inspirational message which they handed out to some young people who had volunteered to be part of a campaign to improve local relations between different neighbourhood groups. Organisers and promoters of the program were amazed to find the pride with which the colourful lanyards were worn by those to whom they had been awarded. Not just in the streets but at home. A powerful reminder how a simple act of acceptance and respect can multiply in power as much as an example of the value inherent in a lanyard.
How much does it cost to freight lanyards around Australia?
Another advantage is that the lanyard does not require specific packaging and over 100 units can be easily placed in an air-bag and shipped to any capital city in Australia. Also difficult to damage or break the required bulkiness of protective packaging is removed saving on transport and storage costs.