Hard working and happy the honey bee is a symbol of unity and enterprise. Bees pollinate flowers, produce honey and are unpaid, uncomplaining labourers involved in the production of much of our rural produce. But don't cross, them, there's a sting in the tail! An of course, they are the perfect symbol if you're selling honey. Prices shown below include a custom one colour pad print of your design in one position on each Bee Stress Toy you order
Qty: | 100 | 250 | 500 | 1000 |
Price: per unit | A$5.50(ex GST) | A$3.75(ex GST) | A$3.25(ex GST) | A$3.10(ex GST) |
Dimensions | 90mmW x 70mmH x 45mmD | Delivery | 2-3 weeks |
Colours | Yellow/Black |
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